At long last, the long-awaited Novitiate has been moved from South Africa to Kenya.  The Novitiate was supposed to move since last year from to South Africa but has been sabotaged by the almighty corona virus till now.  The five Pre-novices eventually moved on the 9th April, 2021 to meet their companions and begin the formation programme together.  In fact, it has been a worry for the Superior General and Council, Provincial and especially for formators on what to do with the many young women who are waiting in different Provinces to go to the Novitiate.  Some were getting discouraged and probably questioning what is happening with their formation, whether they are not needed any longer and what have you.  Some expressed the fact that, anytime the Provincial came to their communities, they have been looking into her face expectantly to hear something about the novitiate but always in vain.  So the day they eventually heard from the Provincial that they were to go to Kenya they expressed their joy and all quickly assembled in the Provincial house to prepare themselves for the journey.  Though corona seems to have come to stay with us, life has to go on.  The Pre-novices were very happy to make a move in their formation which has been static for quite a long time.  We thank God the patience given to these young women to wait for His plans to be revealed to them in their lives.  The Dagaaba proverb which says that “mokoru bei kongaai” meaning when you delay in cooking does not mean one will go to bed hungry, is a reality.  Corona has delayed many things but life keeps on going though at a different pace.  Nothing happens in the human history without the knowledge of God and with Him all things are possible.  Therefore, let us continue to encourage, support and pray for one another and leave the rest for God to handle, because we cannot change His plans.



By Yitiereh Immaculate



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