Every year for the last three years I attend one month programme of the African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) at Cape Coast for three years now, from 2019-2021.The mission of the African Sisters Education Collaborative, (ASEC), is to facilitate access of education for women religious in Africa and I am fortunate to be a part of this programme. The first year I attended this programme was 2019 and I learned basics of Technology such as Introduction to information &communication technology, exploring windows, logging to windows & exploring the desktop, history of computers and types of computers, etc. The second year 2020 due to covid 19, I experienced something different from the first year.  When I arrived at the Hospitallers Sisters Convent in Cape Coast at about 2 pm in the afternoon, I followed the Covid 19 protocols: washing of hands, sanitizing and checking of temperature then  I was handed over a bag containing plates, tea cup, spoons, forks, knife, and my room key; these I used throughout the programme because we are not in normal times and the staff constantly check our temperature in order to make sure that we are safe.

MY SECOND   AND THIRD YEAR I did finance. I was very surprised at the beginning of the programme when we started with the   topic “Stewardship and Accountability” I asked myself why this topic? But as we moved ahead my question was answered by itself. Stewardship is very important when it comes to dealing with money because having in mind that everything on earth belongs  God and how I shall be accountable to Him will be very important at the end of my life here on earth. The congregation as the owner of what I do, also needs to be accounted to. Dealing with money needs a clear conscience and a free mind. As a steward to whom God has entrusted some particular work one needs to live as a disciple and not the Master.  By doing so one will always acknowledge God as the owner of everything that exist and therefore share, multiply and return all to God. At the end of this Topic I got to realize that dealing with accounting is not only about money but is about one’s whole life thus  to be accountable to God, accountable to myself, accountable to the community,  accountable to the people with whom I am  working and accountable to my congregation. In all accounting is not only about paper work, what I put in paper for people to see “oooo” but what is in my heart.  Am I accountable to God who sees everything in secret?

To be accountable means to given clear, transparent, timely accounts or reports to the community, congregation or organization. To enable people to be accountable, have clear roles, freedom and support and set clear expectations in order to help them know exactly what they are expected to do etc.

In addition, I have learned that motivation is one of the key qualities of a good leader, a good leader should be able to give some kind of motivation to the subordinates or employees because it helps them feel valued. A good leader needs to have good communication skills by transferring clearly information from one place to the other or from one person to the other. A good leader need to be straightforward and use the language that those receiving the message can understand.

In 2021 we continues with ‘Effective Leadership:’ I have learned that effective leadership is the art of motivating people to act towards achieving a common goal. The different types of leadership style are autocratic leadership skills, democratic leadership skills and the laissez-faire leadership, and personality type has an influence on the type of leadership style one is likely to adopt when in the position of a leader.

There were a number of topics treated which were very helpful but are not captured here.  God being so good I have to come to the end of my journey, so dear Sisters you are invited to the graduation on the 28th August, 2021. Come one, Come all.

So I thank the Almighty God for the gift of life and journey mercies granted to me, for being with me and having protected me throughout the three years. In a special way I will like to thank the Provincial Ghana Liberia Province and her Council for allowing me to be a part of this programme, I thank all who through their initiative have brought this programme to a reality. I equally want to sincerely thank my community members for their support and prayers. It was really a time of learning from both Teachers and my colleague Sisters. I believe that the knowledge that I have acquired from this programme will have an influence on my apostolate, the Community and Institute at large. I did put in my best to learn many things if not all. I also will want to thank the ASEC coordinator in the person of Sr. Francisca Damoah SIJ, the facilitators: Rev. Fr. Hilary Aidoo and Rev. Fr. James Essuon and all ASEC sponsors. God bless you all. A big thanks to you all my dear sisters in the Province for your prayers and support.

Dery Gladys

Dery Gladys

Thank you so much (Ni barka yaga za)

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